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Zen Pet

Becca Klobuchar

Zen Pet is about balance.

After practicing Western Medicine for over a decade I began exploring holistic therapies in an effort to provide pets with additional healing options when traditional treatments were unsuccessful.

The holistic and intuitive treatment modalities I use approach your pets health from the physical, energetic, and spiritual aspects.

Services I provide are rooted in Energy balancing and Chinese Medicine.

Specifically herbal therapy, Acupuncture, Sound therapy, diet counseling as well as whole food supplements, Tui-Na, Healing Touch for Animals, and Aromatherapy/essential oils.

I work with a foundation in science and on an intuitive level.

After the passing of my Mom, a best friend, then shortly thereafter experiencing a Near Death Experience I found my life on a new path.

One of intuitive healing. Once you’ve experienced the other side your mind is opened and heightened with a new perspective.

We are all here for a purpose and when we work with pure intention and unconditional love we provide the care that is intended.

I continue to work and grow my gifts for the benefit of your pet.


  • Monday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday - Closed
  • Thursday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Friday - Closed
  • Saturday - Closed
  • Sunday - Closed
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